CTF Winners

Welcome to the DFIR Labs Capture The Flag (CTF) winners page! Our CTFs challenge cybersecurity enthusiasts from all around the globe. The following tables list the top performers from our recent CTF events.

Congratulations to all participants who took part in these thrilling competitions, and a special shout-out to the winners for their outstanding performance!

CTF on 2024-09-07
Position Winner
1st Place ekt0 (theosyn)
2nd Place l3v1ath4n (Satyender Yadav)
3rd Place c0t0d0s2 (Ireneusz Tarnowski)

CTF on 2024-07-06
Position Winner
1st Place Crypto CooCoo
2nd Place @Friffnz
3rd Place lookingforamaninDFIR

CTF on 2024-05-29
Position Winner
1st Place @EncapsulateJay
2nd Place binarie
3rd Place mbk