Ryuk Speed Run, 2 Hours to Ransom
Since the end of September Ryuk has been screaming back into the news. We’ve already covered 2 cases in that timeframe. We’ve seen major healthcare providers, managed service providers, and furniture manufactures all reportedly being hit. The Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released an advisory claiming that a mass Ryuk campaign against the United States healthcare system was an imminent threat.
FireEye released a post, and hosted a webinar with SANS and @likethecoins, detailing a group FireEye identifies as UNC 1878. In their report, they describe a threat actor’s TTPs that align with the activity we’ve previously reported on. They indicated in their investigations and responses of seeing the group take just 2 to 5 days from entry to full domain ransomware deployment. In our cases we’ve seen even faster action, with the threat actors seemly trying to speed-run their ransomware deployment. In this most recent case, ransomware was deployed in 2 hours with the actor completing all objectives in 3 hours.
Red Canary released a post recently on how they, with the support of Kroll, stopped a Ryuk intrusion at a hospital. This report includes 10 detection ideas as well as a feel good story on how they stopped the intrusion. We need more reports like this, especially right now.
SCYTHE recently put out an adversary emulation plan and a post based on our previous Ryuk reports. You can check out the post here and the free emulation plan here. Great job @jorgeorchilles, @seanqsun and the rest of the SCYTHE team for sharing this with the community!
Case Summary
Like in our prior two reports of Ryuk campaigns, the initial access came from phishing emails containing links to google drive that when clicked, downloaded a Bazar Loader backdoor executable. In our prior cases we generally saw a lag time, ranging hours to days, from the initial click to Ryuk. In this case, the time from initial Bazar execution to domain recon was 5 minutes, and deployment of Cobalt Strike beacons was within 10 minutes. This is by far the quickest we have seen them act.
After bringing in Cobalt Strike, we saw familiar TTP’s with using AdFind to continue domain discovery activity. In this case, we saw them deploy persistence on the beachhead host, an action we had not previously seen in our other cases. After establishing another C2 for an additional Cobalt Strike beacon, they employed the Zerologon exploit (CVE 2020-1472) and obtained domain admin level privileges. We also saw host process injection on the beachhead used for obfuscation and privilege escalation.
With domain administrator privileges obtained, the threat actors then moved laterally throughout the network using SMB and RDP to deploy Cobalt Strike beacons on the domain controllers around 1 hour after the initial execution of Bazar. On the domain controllers, some additional discovery was done using the PowerShell Active Directory module. From there, they targeted other severs in the environment; specifically, back up systems, file servers, and software deployment servers. After establishing Cobalt Strike beacons on those they felt ready to proceed to their final objectives.
At the 2 hour mark the threat actors made the move to deploy Ryuk ransomware by establishing RDP connections from the domain controllers to servers. This continued for the next hour until the entire domain had been encrypted, with that work completing just 3 hours after the first Bazar Loader was executed.
Initial Access
Initial access via a phishing email that linked to a google docs page that enticed the user to download a report, which was a Bazar Loader executable file instead Report-Review20-10.exe.
Execution of the initial Bazar Loader malware relies on user interaction.
Executables transferred over SMB during lateral movement were commonly executed via a service.
Image: C:\Windows\system32\services.exe TargetObject: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ff49429\ImagePath Details: \\HOSTNAME\ADMIN$\ff49429.exe"
This time, unlike prior investigations, clear persistence was found setup on the beachhead host. Firefox.exe created these scheduled tasks as well as the run key.
"C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" /CREATE /SC ONSTART /TN jf0c /TR "'C:\Users\pagefilerpqy.exe'" /f "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" /CREATE /SC ONSTART /TN jf0c /TR "'C:\Users\pagefilerpqy.exe'" /f /RL HIGHEST "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" /CREATE /SC ONCE /ST 17:21:58 /TN 9T6ukfi6 /TR "'C:\Users\pagefilerpqy.exe'" /f "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" /CREATE /SC ONCE /ST 17:21:58 /TN 9T6ukfi6 /TR "'C:\Users\pagefilerpqy.exe'" /f /RL HIGHEST REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /V \"microsoft update\" /t REG_SZ /F /D "SCHTASKS /run /tn 9T6ukfi6"
Privilege Escalation
The Zerologon vulnerability CVE 2020-1472 was again exploited to obtain domain admin level privileges.
Credential Access
Rubeus was used to kerberoast the environment.
Defense Evasion
Process injection was used on the beachhead host to to inject into svchost.exe
The Bazar Loader malware was using a code signing certificate signed by Digicert under the organization NOSOV SP Z O O
At the time of delivery, the executable had a detection rate of 1/69 in Virustotal.
The Cobalt Strike beacons used in the environment used similar code signing certificates.
In previous cases, we generally saw some lag time between infection and further actions but this time things moved much quicker, starting with initial discovery executed by Bazar less than 5 minutes after initial execution.
Discovery command run by Bazar:
net view /all net view /all /domain nltest /domain_trusts /all_trusts net localgroup "administrator" net group "domain admins" /dom
Seven minutes later, after launching a Cobalt Strike beacon, AdFind was used– running the same discovery pattern seen in previous reporting. This was started via a bat script. It appears that the threat actors are now piping these commands into a batch file one at a time instead of dropping adf.bat to disk.
AdFind.exe -f "(objectcategory=person)" AdFind.exe -f "(objectcategory=computer)" AdFind.exe -f "(objectcategory=organizationalUnit)" AdFind.exe -sc trustdmp AdFind.exe -subnets -f "(objectCategory=subnet)" AdFind.exe -f "(objectcategory=group)" AdFind.exe -gcb -sc trustdmp
Once on the domain controller the PowerShell Active Directory module was loaded.
Lateral Movement
RDP connections were initiated from Cobalt Strike Beacons running on the beachhead host to two domain controllers and then Cobalt Strike executables were dropped by these connections.
In addition to using RDP to move around the environment execuatables were also transferred over SMB to ADMIN$ shares and executed as a service.
Command and Control
Bazar Loader:
Report-Review20-10.exe dghns.xyz Certificate[0e:bb:b8:4f:04:fe:7a:fe:2f:b6:59:58:fc:bd:05:f8:2e:c6:1e:f8 ] Not Before 2020/10/20 01:55:40 Not After 2021/01/18 00:55:40 Issuer Org Let's Encrypt Subject Common dghns.xyz [dghns.xyz ,www.dghns.xyz ] Public Algorithm rsaEncryption JA3: 9e10692f1b7f78228b2d4e424db3a98c JA3s: 2b33c1374db4ddf06942f92373c0b54b
Cobalt Strike (suspected):
rundll32.exe checktodrivers.com Certificate [ac:67:f2:b1:b0:5a:bd:f4:9f:23:98:0e:a9:8c:fd:8c:0f:56:b2:58 ] Not Before 2020/10/20 17:00:33 Not After 2021/10/20 17:00:33 Issuer Org lol Subject Common checktodrivers.com Subject Org lol Public Algorithm rsaEncryption JA3: 37f463bf4616ecd445d4a1937da06e19 JA3s: ae4edc6faf64d08308082ad26be60767
rundll32.exe topservicebooster.com108.62.12.121:443 Certificate [35:ef:11:c8:a5:2c:b9:44:37:1b:cf:fd:27:50:79:31:69:f7:da:a9 ] Not Before 2020/10/20 10:51:32 Not After 2021/10/20 10:51:32 Issuer Org lol Subject Common topservicebooster.com Subject Org lol Public Algorithm rsaEncryptionJA3: 2c14bfb3f8a2067fbc88d8345e9f97f3 JA3s: 649d6810e8392f63dc311eecb6b7098b

Discovery data (AdFind and Rubeus outputs ) was exfiltrated out of the network via FTP.
At roughly the 2 hour mark, we saw the threat actors begin to act on their final objectives. RDP connections were initiated from one of the domain controllers and the Ryuk executables were deployed and executed over these RDP connections. Servers such as the backup systems, file servers, and automation tools were targeted first, followed by workstations.
Commands ran prior to ransom execution:
"C:\Windows\system32\net1 stop ""samss"" /y" "C:\Windows\system32\net1 stop ""veeamcatalogsvc"" /y" "C:\Windows\system32\net1 stop ""veeamcloudsvc"" /y" "C:\Windows\system32\net1 stop ""veeamdeploysvc"" /y" "C:\Windows\System32\net.exe"" stop ""samss"" /y" "C:\Windows\System32\net.exe"" stop ""veeamcatalogsvc"" /y" "C:\Windows\System32\net.exe"" stop ""veeamcloudsvc"" /y" "C:\Windows\System32\net.exe"" stop ""veeamdeploysvc"" /y" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM sqlbrowser.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM sqlceip.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM sqlservr.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM sqlwriter.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.agent.configurationservice.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.brokerservice.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.catalogdataservice.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.cloudservice.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.externalinfrastructure.dbprovider.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.manager.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.mountservice.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.service.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.uiserver.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.backup.wmiserver.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeamdeploymentsvc.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeamfilesysvsssvc.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeam.guest.interaction.proxy.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeamnfssvc.exe /F" "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe"" /IM veeamtransportsvc.exe /F" "C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe"" /4" "C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe -Embedding" "C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe -secured -Embedding" "icacls ""C:\*"" /grant Everyone:F /T /C /Q" "icacls ""D:\*"" /grant Everyone:F /T /C /Q"
While encryption was started 2 hours into the attack, by the 3 hour mark the actors had completed ransom of the entire environment.
Enjoy our report? Please consider donating $1 or more to the project using Patreon. Thank you for your support!
We also have pcaps, files, memory images, and Kape packages available here.
Network dghns.xyz checktodrivers.com topservicebooster.com chaseltd.top
Report-Review20-10.exe.exe 8d35e058f5631c80b00dd695511878e3 8103299196efabec8ec0fc1d25f1332241b93220 0d468fc1b02bbc7c3050c67e0a80b580c69abd8eea5f8dad06c7d7ff396f7789 Firefox.exe 114057ad47a297e4092131386932456e c9882d860e685869fcd8e997622d37d1ab43bcd6 3fc65b7e7967353f340ead51617558a23f14447ab91d974268f53ab0c17052e0 pagefilerpqy.exe 9b45c64d56523e21a268f8deb5cfa680 0a3f3bd9ae705af63779e8ca2be55d0db1253521 a4468c28e4830acf526209c0da25536ff0f682a0239ced1983a08d1ddd476963 pagefileU6Gl.sys 7f1de29e6da19d22b51c68001e7e0e54 40f7c01f4189510031adccd9c604a128adaf9b00 13671077b66a29874a2578b5240319092ef2a1043228e433e9b006b5e53e7513 pagefilerpqy.sys 92cc227532d17e56e07902b254dfad10 8ee51caaa2c2f4ee2e5b4b7ef5a89db7df1068d7 8241649609f88ccd2a0a5b233a07a538ec313ff6adf695aa44a969dbca39f67d AdFind.exe b3447ef9400d7f3f87ad24f89874f91a 75e3782ef880aa6eb9df135c3b3f23eece9a2af3 68d0f5659cf3cc1cf53519e1be482ca9a63f2deebdcd2cb7ee12515adc6db0a7 PL64.exe c64266fd6142af402b1c7539be0ad02f 3f0471775bb22695f0ed112582c058a63dac0f07 a7514209db9d9c7c51927308d4f0b491464e11391af3c6ae31cb87d91fac995d fx2-12_multi_for_crypt_x86.exe fa24b3608c7f556424ec17c2265da994 357fbf27a30748812ce5aa3b298451c2eef88e6f 34007d53a8e64bf1dbbeace9e4878fb209878e6a6843251895d4dc9c2699056e
2025194 ET INFO Observed Let's Encrypt Certificate for Suspicious TLD (.xyz) 2023882 ET INFO HTTP Request to a *.top domain ET INFO Observed DNS Query for EmerDNS_TLD (.bazar) ET NETBIOS DCERPC SVCCTL - Remote Service Control Manager Access
Detects AdFind usage from a past case:
title: AdFind Recon description: Threat Actor using AdFind for reconnaissance. author: The DFIR Report date: 2019/8/2 references: - https://thedfirreport.com/2020/08/03/dridex-from-word-to-domain-dominance/ tags: - attack.remote_system_discovery - attack.T1018 logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: selection_1: CommandLine|contains: - adfind -f objectcategory=computer selection_2: CommandLine|contains: - adfind -gcb -sc trustdmp condition: selection_1 or selection_2 falsepositives: - Legitimate Administrator using tool for Active Directory querying level: medium status: experimental
/* YARA Rule Set Author: The DFIR Report Date: 2020-10-31 Identifier: files Reference: https://thedfirreport.com */ /* Rule Set ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ import "pe" rule ryuk_1007_fx2_12_multi_for_crypt_x86 { meta: description = "files - file fx2-12_multi_for_crypt_x86.exe" author = "The DFIR Report" reference = "https://thedfirreport.com" date = "2020-10-31" hash1 = "34007d53a8e64bf1dbbeace9e4878fb209878e6a6843251895d4dc9c2699056e" strings: $s1 = "gOleAut32.dll" fullword wide $s2 = "__ZN12_GLOBAL__N_110fake_mutexE" fullword ascii $s3 = "__ZZN12_GLOBAL__N_116get_static_mutexEvE4once" fullword ascii $s4 = "__gthread_mutex_t" fullword ascii $s5 = "__gthread_recursive_mutex_t" fullword ascii $s6 = "__ZNSt12__basic_fileIcEC2EP17__gthread_mutex_t" fullword ascii $s7 = "__ZNSt12__basic_fileIcEC1EP17__gthread_mutex_t" fullword ascii $s8 = "__ZGVZN12_GLOBAL__N_116get_locale_mutexEvE12locale_mutex" fullword ascii $s9 = "__ZZN12_GLOBAL__N_116get_locale_mutexEvE12locale_mutex" fullword ascii $s10 = "__ZN12_GLOBAL__N_116get_locale_mutexEv" fullword ascii $s11 = "hmutex" fullword ascii $s12 = "__ZGVZN12_GLOBAL__N_122get_locale_cache_mutexEvE18locale_cache_mutex" fullword ascii $s13 = "__ZZN12_GLOBAL__N_122get_locale_cache_mutexEvE18locale_cache_mutex" fullword ascii $s14 = "__gthr_win32_mutex_init_function" fullword ascii $s15 = "___gthr_win32_recursive_mutex_init_function" fullword ascii $s16 = "__gthr_win32_recursive_mutex_init_function" fullword ascii $s17 = "___gthr_win32_mutex_init_function" fullword ascii $s18 = "___gthr_win32_mutex_lock" fullword ascii $s19 = "__gthr_win32_recursive_mutex_lock" fullword ascii $s20 = "___gthr_win32_recursive_mutex_lock" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 4000KB and ( pe.imphash() == "d36627a0f5a150566b96bff0bfb0e763" or 8 of them ) } rule ryuk3_1007_pagefilerpqy { meta: description = "files - file pagefilerpqy.exe" author = "The DFIR Report" reference = "https://thedfirreport.com" date = "2020-10-31" hash1 = "a4468c28e4830acf526209c0da25536ff0f682a0239ced1983a08d1ddd476963" strings: $s1 = "youtube.com" fullword ascii $s2 = "amazon.com" fullword ascii $s3 = "ebay.com" fullword ascii $s4 = "mymutex" fullword ascii $s5 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT " fullword ascii $s6 = "Accept-language: " fullword ascii $s7 = "Agent, " fullword wide $s8 = "TARAT d.o.o.1" fullword ascii $s9 = "TARAT d.o.o.0" fullword ascii $s10 = "; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" fullword ascii $s11 = ") AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/" fullword ascii $s12 = ".0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/" fullword ascii $s13 = " /RL HIGHEST" fullword wide $s14 = "/CREATE /SC ONSTART" fullword wide $s15 = "Referer: https://www." fullword ascii $s16 = "Bapi-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1" fullword wide $s17 = " Agent" fullword wide $s18 = "Badvapi32" fullword wide $s19 = "Ljubljana1" fullword ascii $s20 = "Mozilla" fullword ascii /* Goodware String - occured 26 times */ condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 800KB and ( pe.imphash() == "ee60dc6086fb4fce34e1e9ff4767a8b8" or 8 of them ) } rule ryuk3_1007_Firefox { meta: description = "files - file Firefox.exe" author = "The DFIR Report" reference = "https://thedfirreport.com" date = "2020-10-31" hash1 = "3fc65b7e7967353f340ead51617558a23f14447ab91d974268f53ab0c17052e0" strings: $s1 = "youtube.com" fullword ascii $s2 = "amazon.com" fullword ascii $s3 = "ebay.com" fullword ascii $s4 = "mymutex" fullword ascii $s5 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT " fullword ascii $s6 = "Accept-language: " fullword ascii $s7 = "Agent, " fullword wide $s8 = "TARAT d.o.o.1" fullword ascii $s9 = "TARAT d.o.o.0" fullword ascii $s10 = "; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" fullword ascii $s11 = ") AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/" fullword ascii $s12 = ".0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/" fullword ascii $s13 = " /RL HIGHEST" fullword wide $s14 = "/CREATE /SC ONSTART" fullword wide $s15 = "Referer: https://www." fullword ascii $s16 = "Bapi-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1" fullword wide $s17 = " Agent" fullword wide $s18 = "Badvapi32" fullword wide $s19 = "Ljubljana1" fullword ascii $s20 = "Mozilla" fullword ascii /* Goodware String - occured 26 times */ condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 800KB and ( pe.imphash() == "ee60dc6086fb4fce34e1e9ff4767a8b8" or 8 of them ) } rule ryuk3_1007_PL64 { meta: description = "files - file PL64.exe" author = "The DFIR Report" reference = "https://thedfirreport.com" date = "2020-10-31" hash1 = "a7514209db9d9c7c51927308d4f0b491464e11391af3c6ae31cb87d91fac995d" strings: $s1 = "reindex <command> -? will give you the usage for each command" fullword wide $s2 = "<requestedExecutionLevel level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'/>" fullword ascii $s3 = "AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod" fullword ascii $s4 = "Usage: %s %s%s" fullword wide $s5 = "B:\\WindowsSDK7-Samples-master\\WindowsSDK7-Samples-master\\winui\\WindowsSearch\\ReindexMatchingUrls\\x64\\Release\\Reindex.pdb" ascii $s6 = "Failed to reindex - %s" fullword wide $s7 = "Supported commands:" fullword wide $s8 = "SUBCOMMAND" fullword wide $s9 = "<WHERE_CLAUSE> (EX. reindex where System.ItemNameDisplay = 'test.txt')" fullword wide $s10 = "No command specified." fullword wide $s11 = "Command not recognized: %s" fullword wide $s12 = "Reindexing - %s" fullword wide $s13 = "Reindexed - %s" fullword wide $s14 = ".?AVCReindexMatchingWhereClauseCommand@@" fullword ascii $s15 = ".?AVCReindexWhereClauseCommand@@" fullword ascii $s16 = ".?AVCMetaCommand@@" fullword ascii $s17 = ".?AVCReindexMatchingMimeTypeCommand@@" fullword ascii $s18 = ".?AVCReindexMatchingFileTypeCommand@@" fullword ascii $s19 = "Unrecognized option: %s%s%s" fullword wide $s20 = "OnItemsChanged(%s) failed with 0x%x" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 2000KB and ( pe.imphash() == "102983d1d06c7d80b040d45e9425a96f" or 8 of them ) } /* Super Rules ------------------------------------------------------------- */ rule ryuk3_1007_pagefilerpqy_Firefox_0 { meta: description = "files - from files pagefilerpqy.exe, Firefox.exe" author = "The DFIR Report" reference = "https://thedfirreport.com" date = "2020-10-31" hash1 = "a4468c28e4830acf526209c0da25536ff0f682a0239ced1983a08d1ddd476963" hash2 = "3fc65b7e7967353f340ead51617558a23f14447ab91d974268f53ab0c17052e0" strings: $s1 = "youtube.com" fullword ascii $s2 = "amazon.com" fullword ascii $s3 = "ebay.com" fullword ascii $s4 = "mymutex" fullword ascii $s5 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT " fullword ascii $s6 = "Accept-language: " fullword ascii $s7 = "Agent, " fullword wide $s8 = "TARAT d.o.o.1" fullword ascii $s9 = "TARAT d.o.o.0" fullword ascii $s10 = "; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" fullword ascii $s11 = ") AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/" fullword ascii $s12 = ".0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/" fullword ascii $s13 = " /RL HIGHEST" fullword wide $s14 = "/CREATE /SC ONSTART" fullword wide $s15 = "Referer: https://www." fullword ascii $s16 = "Bapi-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1" fullword wide $s17 = " Agent" fullword wide $s18 = "Badvapi32" fullword wide $s19 = "Ljubljana1" fullword ascii $s20 = "Mozilla" fullword ascii /* Goodware String - occured 26 times */ condition: ( uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 800KB and pe.imphash() == "ee60dc6086fb4fce34e1e9ff4767a8b8" and ( 8 of them ) ) or ( all of them ) }
Spearphishing Link – T1566.002
PowerShell – T1059.001
Command-Line Interface – T1059
User Execution – T1204
Process Injection – T1055
Exploitation for Privilege Escalation – T1068
Domain Trust Discovery – T1482
Domain Groups – T1069.002
Domain Account – T1087.002
Remote System Discovery – T1018
SMB/Windows Admin Shares – T1021.002
Remote Desktop Protocol – T1021.001
Archive Collected Data – T1560
Exfiltration Over Unencrypted/Obfuscated Non-C2 Protocol – T1048.003
Standard Application Layer Protocol – T1071
Commonly Used Port – T1043
Data Encrypted for Impact – T1486
Code Signing – T1553.002
Service Execution – T1569.002
Scheduled Task – T1053.005
Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder – T1547.001
Credential Access – T1558.003
Indicators Linked to Threat Actor Group
UNC 1878 Indicators released by FireEye:
UNC 1878 Indicators from Threatconnect: